National Data Buoy Center NWS Marine Forecast (2025)

FZUS61 KCLE 100206

Open Lake Forecast for Lake Erie
National Weather Service Cleveland OH
1006 PM EDT Wed Oct 9 2024

For waters beyond five nautical miles of shore on Lake Erie

Waves are the significant wave height - the average of the highest1/3 of the wave spectrum. Occasional wave height is the average ofthe highest 1/10 of the wave spectrum.


High pressure 30.30 inches will build over the area and persistthrough Thursday night. This high will shift to the TennesseeValley on Friday, with a cold front dropping across the lake earlySaturday before stalling south of Lake Erie. Low pressure 29.80inches moves across the southern Great Lakes Sunday with a troughaveraging 29.90 inches lingering across the Great Lakes on Monday.

Detroit River Lt. to Maumee Bay OH to Reno Beach OH beyond 5NMoffshoreline to US-Canadian border
Reno Beach to The Islands OH beyond 5NM off shoreline to US
Canadian border
1006 PM EDT Wed Oct 9 2024

Northeast winds 15 to 20 knots diminishing to10 to 15 knots. Waves 1 to 3 feet.

Northeast winds 5 to 10 knots becoming east. Waves2 feet or less.

East winds 10 knots or less becoming south.Waves 1 foot or less.

Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots. Waves 1 to 2 feet.

Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots becomingnorthwest. Waves 1 to 3 feet.

North winds 5 to 15 knots becoming southeast. Achance of showers. Waves 2 feet or less.

South winds 15 to 20 knots becoming northwest. A chanceof showers. Waves 1 to 3 feet building to 2 to 4 feet.

Northwest winds 15 to 20 knots diminishing to 10 to15 knots. A chance of showers. Waves 2 to 4 feet subsiding to1 to 3 feet.

The Islands to Vermilion OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
Vermilion to Avon Point OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
Avon Point to Willowick OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
1006 PM EDT Wed Oct 9 2024

North winds 15 to 20 knots becoming northeast10 to 15 knots. Waves 2 to 4 feet.

Northeast winds 5 to 15 knots. Waves 1 to 3 feet.

Northeast winds 10 knots or less becomingsouthwest. Waves 2 feet or less.

Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots increasing to 15 to20 knots. Waves 1 to 3 feet building to 3 to 5 feet.

Southwest winds 15 to 20 knots becomingnorthwest. Waves 3 to 5 feet.

North winds 10 to 15 knots becoming southeast. Achance of showers during the day, then showers likely Saturdaynight. Waves 2 to 4 feet subsiding to 1 to 3 feet.

South winds 15 to 25 knots becoming northwest. Showerslikely. Waves 2 to 4 feet building to 4 to 7 feet. Wavesoccasionally around 9 feet.

Northwest winds 15 to 25 knots. Showers likely. Waves3 to 6 feet.

Ripley to Buffalo NY extending from 5NM off shoreline to US
Canadian border-Willowick to Geneva-on-the
Lake OH beyond 5NM off shoreline to US-Canadian border-Geneva-on
the-Lake to Conneaut OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
Conneaut OH to Ripley NY beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
1006 PM EDT Wed Oct 9 2024

North winds 15 to 20 knots diminishing to10 to 15 knots. Waves 3 to 5 feet subsiding to 2 to 4 feet.

North winds 5 to 15 knots. Waves 1 to 3 feet.

Northwest winds 5 to 10 knots becoming west.Waves 1 foot or less.

Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots increasing to 15 to25 knots. Waves 1 to 3 feet building to 3 to 6 feet.

Southwest winds 15 to 25 knots becomingnorthwest. A chance of showers overnight. Waves 3 to 6 feet.

North winds 15 to 20 knots becoming east 5 to15 knots. Showers likely Saturday night. Waves 3 to 5 feetsubsiding to 1 to 3 feet.

Southeast winds 15 to 25 knots becoming northwest.Showers likely. Waves 1 to 3 feet building to 4 to 7 feet. Wavesoccasionally around 9 feet.

Northwest winds 15 to 25 knots. Showers likely. Waves4 to 7 feet subsiding to 3 to 6 feet. Waves occasionally around9 feet.

MAFOR 1003/ERIE WEST 1/3 14110 12100 12200. Waves 1 to 3 feet overnight andThursday. Waves 2 feet or less Thursday evening.

ERIE CENTRAL 1/3 11820 13810 13800 11700. Waves 3 to 5 feetsubsiding to 2 to 4 feet overnight. Waves 1 to 3 feet Thursday.Waves 2 feet or less Thursday evening.

ERIE EAST 1/3 11820 14810 11800 12700. Waves 3 to 5 feetsubsiding to 2 to 4 feet overnight. Waves 1 to 3 feet subsidingto 1 foot or less Thursday. Waves 1 foot or less Thursdayevening.

National Data Buoy Center NWS Marine Forecast (2025)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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