1. Jurisprudence Requirement - Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
All Applicants are required to make a 75% or higher to pass the Board's Online Jurisprudence Exam. The exam is free of charge and consists of 40 questions.
Jurisprudence is defined in the Louisiana Physical Therapy Board Rules as the body of law applicable to the practice of physical therapy in Louisiana including the Practice Act and the Rules promulgated by the Board.(Rule §123)
2. Rules - Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
An applicant must pass of the Louisiana jurisprudence exam. E. In addition to any other requirements established by regulation, the board may require an ...
Title 46 Part LIV: Louisiana Physical Therapy Board As Amended through September 20, 2019
3. Licensure & Regulation - LPTA
The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board is the licensing board for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.
Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
4. Jurisprudence Exam - FSBPT
A jurisprudence exam is a test of your state's laws and rules. All licensed physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) should be ...
5. Louisiana Physical Therapy CEU Requirements
The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board provides the coursework for your jurisprudence exam. ATs: Licensees are required to use CE Broker to track their annual ...
6. Fees and Jurisprudence Requirements - PT Compact
Registering for an account is required to access and complete the Louisiana jurisprudence exam here. Make sure to select “Compact Privilege User” when ...
Find the fees and requirements for petting physical therapy compact privileges in each of the active states.
7. [PDF] Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
30 mei 2019 · JP Exam Review. Chairman Harris updated the board of the progress of the Jurisprudence Exam Review and next steps. NEW BUSINESS. The board ...
8. Physical Therapy Ethics-Jurisprudence Renewal ...
15 dec 2016 · Jurisprudence: 2 hours every 2 years by taking the KY Jurisprudence exam. Back to the Top. Louisiana. Ethics: 2 hours/2 years. Jurisprudence: 2 ...
A comprehensive breakdown of physical therapy ethics and jurisprudence renewal requirements by state.